onsdag 10 februari 2016

Plaguebearers finished up


So i found my plaguebearers after the ONE game i've had with them.

I popped ten of them with a  psyker herald of nurgle that had the loci(think of it as a special rule you can buy) that gives his unit FnP. They did great, so as a reward (for me, not THEM, no their reward is to go BACK IN ZEE BOX) i dirtied them up a tad, Agrax earthshade for the teeth, and some clear tamiya red for...well, everything.

Pretty happy with the end result, still not settled on the base though, the simple mud base seems to be lacking some rot.......


 Pretty happy with these guys overall, particularly with the happy lil' nurglings pulling at the guy in the back.

well. ta'!

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