tisdag 21 juli 2015

Angels of vengeance conversions

So the fun thing with painting my Dark angels as the angels of vengeance was me talking to a friend asking what the deal was with etched brass.

Now, he has played for decades, and painted for decades. So he just did NOT understand the question.

me: But seriously mang, what is the deal, why is everybody in love with etched brass?
him: what, but, what is even the point of not using it, there are no options really. 
M:but transfers, what about using simple transfers?
what followed was a hallowed silence that made him look like a veteran suffering from PTS, he just...stared into oblivion and let his being become one with nothingness. When he spoke it was with the weight of ages. 
H:transfers are to modelling what gourmet cooking is to camping. A good idea,but hell on executing.
M:Ok, so you don't  think i should get some?
H: if you do, you will understand what i mean, and appreciate that the options to transfers are forged with the blood of exper modellers.

Shit, that was dramatic as hell. And here is the thing. I got this

Which is, in my opinion, A WONDERFULL way to differentiate "your dudes" i was surprised that Geedubs had it. And was glad to throw money at them.

I have always had black DA, as i preferred it to the ordinary dark green one, you know, 'cause i'm unique, and you can't DEFINE me, MAAAAN. Also, the robes are dope.

Now, in the different codexes the old Angels had red robes, and then grey, and then black. And now they are black again, but as far as i am concerned a lynchpin of my painting DA is
Black, red, and silver. The black and silver just marries beautifully.

So this is what i wound up on.

 I still need to clean up the dramatic base for the veteran sergeant with the power fist, and brother ignacio is working his way with the emperors blessed promethium, so as to bring salvation to those who have not enjoyed the emperors warmth.

The picture is not great, but it is the old sort of rhino ( what FW lovingly calls mark III) that you can pickup cheaply on your Ebay. Hilariously it is a bit smaller than the new boxier one, and the size means that i can get better cover.
Brother Encio leads second squads advance to ensure the imperiums safety against the perverted xeno

To lead by example is to embrace the emperors sacrifice
"the Deus exemplaris XXI'th verse" 

So my second squad got the Angels of vengeance transfer on the shoulder, but it when it comes the Dark Angels veterans sprue "special" shoulderpads, you have to either trim the entire shoulder pad, OR put it a bit more on the front. I chose the latter, as i imagine myself a decent painter, but a flat out horrendous modeller. Practice may make perfect but self-loathing makes the artist.

With all the DAAAMN suffering i got from these tiny cardboard like, fragile as hell serran wrap transfer i now do indeed appreciate the self contradiction of transfers. Great as an idea, horrendous as implementation.

Next up is my Mortis pattern contemptor with Kheres assault cannons, i have been pushing it in front of me for over a year and a half, but i now feel confident in starting up on them.

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