söndag 21 maj 2017

Adding some heayy support to deal with all that MSU- Whirlwind scorpius done-

As mentioned before i am attending my first tournament in early June this year, and to prepare for the tournament i ma currently adding as many vehicles that i can without compromising what i consider quality of my painting. To that end i've wanted to add a Whirlwind scorpius. 

So what differs a Scorpius from the standard 40k version i hear the sonorous crickets residing in my blogosphere chant. 

Well with 36" S6 AP3 blast, ordnance we are off to a decent start, furthermore, if i stand still with it, i instead get to shoot 1+d3 blasts due to the rocket barrage rule. 

Now even though i intend to go with a vehicle heavy list and specialize on Anti tank, and with my team mate carrying a lion share of the anti infantry duty, it would still be remiss of me if i did not consider the theme of my army, and i can't see a self contained unit of my 108'th going on kill missions without someway of clearing out all that infantry that will stagger out of the smoking wrecks of all the tanks i hope to shoot out, it will also give me a slightly better way of managing hordes. 

So here goes. 

Two weeks ago i built the kit in it's entirety, it is a pretty easy one to build, if you'v ever built a deimos pattern rhino you more or less know what to expect, with the purchase of my new heat gun the two weeks hence i had a new way of easily remedying any potential resin warp. So after gluing my fingers together ONLY twice, this is where we are 

I then broke out ye' olde' airbrush and kicked off with a simply layer of vallejo air black, and then went to town with my Vallejo acryllic metall. Two thin coats and easy peasy here we are

simple masking tape works for me 

i then taped the tracks and all details i wanted to remain a plain gun detail, like the tracks, the turrets and such. The i did two thin coats of Calth blue form FW, and did some quick shading with nuln black gloss. I also did some copper details with vallejo copper.

Now, for me, i always take the airbrush apart after my acryllics, and put it into my Ultra sonic cleaner before doing clears, as the metall pigments have a risk of clogging it otherwise

Nearing completion 

I then moved on to doing details, metallics for all the rivets ( around fourty per chassis ;_;) the reds for all lenses, metalls for the bolt guns and the rocket turret and some black for the smoke exhausts and the bolter casing.

To differentiate pure "support" tanks, as opposed to my "assault" tanks i decided to freehand a simple black stripe on the front, and leave the skirts unpainted, as opposed to my predators where i have black skirts and a clear front.

added some unbroken chains transfers on the turret, just for the effect 

Now ,as an aside, i tend to find that the Forge world alpha legion transfers white transfers look best on the clear white background, and that the silver ones look best on the black background. As for the green ones? no idea.

Well, unlike my other tanks i have as of yet to decide if i am going to chip these tanks or not, i probably will, but for now it feels nice to have an untouched one :D

What is everyone else up to?

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