torsdag 14 april 2016

My 2016 commitment Alpha legion 30k Horus heresy

It all started with an innocous discusssion with my missus when we were planning the move we have in front of us.

"phew, you really have A LOT of that detailed resin model stuff ,her delineation of my FW stuff as opposed to my "mostly" finished spiky shit (dark eldar)"
" yeah, i was thinking this is the year i actually finish ALL OF it"
*long fit of hysterical laughter from my wife. MY star, the wind in my face*
"oh that's funny i thought 2015 was the year you finished ALL of it"
"oh, ok, but this is the year i finish all of THIS! (points to mechanicum, which she actually likes the look of since it is badass robots, and who doesn't like that)
*dubious glaring* 
"at least finish it in order, make a real commitment, with a realistic goal
"ok, fine this is the year i finish an actual army of my stuff from resin" 

And with those words i doomed me, and my family to an unbreakable geass to actually finish a playable 30k army for 2016.

Or not really, i mean, i'm not off to slay grendel or tame Enkidu. But still, i made a deal. And the deal is as follows. If i do NOT finish my army for 2016 (a minimum of 1850 pts) i will not be buying ANY hobby stuff for 2017. Except brushes.

No paint
no models
no codex.

So i'm going into this for realsiez. Tighten your pants. We are in for a ride.

Basically i figured that i could get approximately 200 points every month, i would have a buffer for of two months that wouldn't require painting. Which is good what with being there for my family. And also holiday excursions and, you know. WORK. TO feed my resin heroin habit.

January was off to a decent start. Until the airbrush broke down. Now, in harder and steenbecks defense, their support team answered really quickly, and with german efficiency gave me a guide to what to do. The problem was a difficult one to peg. But i finally fixed the issue. In March.

So For January and february i mostly did brush work. Which there is a lot of for MK II and MK III (rivets a plenty)

So right now i have closed Q1 of 2016. And i have approximately 700 pts ( i think) which is a good start. Hopefully i can keep it up for the rest of the year.

March was actually really productive. The reason was that i set off a week wherein i decided to be hobby centric. I put a reminder in the phone at five o clock each day, "Hobby time it chimed judgementally" and as soon as the kid was in his lil' bed, i sat down. Whether it was basecoating, basing or finding new ideas. It was hobby time.

As soon as i had a fifteen minute break somewhere. Hobby time.

Each time i was looking at my gaming rig and thinking of playing something. HObby time.

And i actually got a lot of work done that week.

I think that the mindset that you usually employ in single participant sports ( as opposed to team sports) aided me here. As the single minded determination really let me narrow down all my time on one thing.

So there we are. now on to what i have actually done so far.

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