torsdag 14 april 2016

Alpha legion Dactylic cell 895- Hq& elite choices for my Horus heresy army

So far i have finished up two HQ choices, And i intend to play with both of them as soon as i have a viable army. 

First up is my Legion praetor, The praetor opens up the utilization of my Rite of War (which allows you to use special battle plans that adapt your army by say, adding additional armor, or special squads and of course utilizing special Legion RoW's)

The Praetor was done by adding some extra alpha legion iconography to a standard Forge world centurion. I tend to use legion iconography to clearly show that the character has an artificer armor, as it gives a quickl visual cue, and lets my opponent easily identify what is a sergeant or not. 

The Praetor clocks in at 190 (!) points. But he is something of a swiss army character. Being able to shoot at S6 AP3, has seven S6 attacks on the charge and a 2+/4++ 

My intention is to plop him in a command squad in a land raider. 
I kept with the HH color plates and gave him gold details and the copper coloured shoulder pad. Which denotes command to me. The arcaeotech pistol was bit of a challenge, but i went with weathering it a bit, and then highlighting with copper and gold.

Adding a dark eldar sheathed knife makes for a pretty tangible power dagger

Regarding the standard bearer. My armless alpha legionairre from december finally got his arm. And i have to say. The transfers are friggin' amazing. Easy to work with, and visually stunning. I am really happy with this guy. 

Next up is my Master of signal, nothing really special here modellwise. I went with a subdued paint scheme, and simply highlighted with some copper details and vallejo classic silver. 

Next up are two of the apothecaries of my Apothecarion detachment. Being able to plop three Apothecaries into ONE elite slot always struck me as really good, particularly for a big squad. And i haven't seen a lot of people running them, i guess playtesting will show me if it is a good idea or not. But if not ,i guess i'll just run one of them a Primus medicae, which seems like a third viable support HQ. 

I still have some cleaning up to do on details, icons and vials. But i've got the general gist down. I also have a third one on the way made from spare parts from my old DA kits. 

Paintwise there seems to be three ways of doing HH apothecaries 

I)bonewhite pauldron
II)bonewhite arm and head
III) bonewhite arms and head 

i couldn't settle on one, so i went with what felt natural, and did I) for my MK 3 apothecary, and II) for my MK 4 apothecary. So far i'm happy with the result, but i am going to polish them a bit more. 

My MK III Apothecary, who has a power sword and will go in a despoiler squad. 

And this apothecary will be getting a combi-plasma and go in a 20 man bolter squad,  

All in all this means that now have a choice of three separate HQ choices. Two of which are "support" classed meaning that they won't qualify for warlord nor filling the mandatory slot for Headquarter units. 


At the last minute i painted up our good ol' "totally not champion" 

I am actually REALLY satisfied with this guy. He was intended to be a veteran sergeant, but in lower point games he will probably be a centurion.

He has a power sword, artificer Armour, and a Melta bomb. Making him suitable for fighting marines and taking on armor in a pinch. 

he still needs proper basing, and decals needs to added. But i think the linework and rivets are actually pretty well executed. 


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