onsdag 1 oktober 2014

Dark eldar 7'th edition-Hellions: Ride fast die turn one.

As i mentioned in the Dark Eldar opening post, i managed to get my dirty mitts on some Hellions when i bought "the big batch of used modells". only four though, with the minimum size of a unit beeing five. I had the choice of either selling them off, or buying a box of another five. I chose the second option.

Now, again, the modells are incredibly well sculpted, some of the best GW have ever sent my way.And i have to say that whenever somebody said hellions i usually dismissed them as the Lazy greengoblin rip-off's. I was a pretty hard sell, but hot diggity damn the modells are good, i mean the Hell-blades are pretty cool, the skyboards are pretty awesome and the rules....ooooh let me tell you about the rules...he..heee..hee.*cough* they're pretty awfull.

But before i get into the rules, there is one thing i despise about the modells.

The heads, i mean look at this.
'cause gangers need dread-locks to look bad ass. 

Hell-'fro. Seriously, why?
These probably look pretty bitchin' to some. But i mostly find myself reminded of the cracka' wiggas that tried to roll over grade school students when you were a teen.

I just made use of the Wyches spares you get from the raider.

Now, if you've ever looked at Wyches or Hellions you'll notice that they can't afford proper clothing. And they're pretty bare. So you will

A) have a lot of practice perfecting skin tones for DE, yay!
B) Throw a hissy fit and wither in front of the daunting challenge of doing all these skin tones.

Luckily some DE sleuthing gave a me a damn fine answer.

Props to From the warp blog.


Now, that post is pretty old. But the equivalent i've used is GW's own

Celesta grey
druchii violet wash.

Which i consider to yield pretty good results. My results are below. I was pretty damn happy with the end result-
Of course, i now realise they mostly look like the Joker. Which is a plus in my book. 

I went with a different colour scheme from my regular kabalites. As the helions canonically are rabble.

Now, as i said they are pretty schizo. The have the standard DE statline, but get a buff to their S with their weapon, and a better armour save with their boards. You'd hope for a +1T on account of the board, but this ain't no bike dawg.It's a fancy skateboard. And you get Drugs, so hope for that magic 6. 'cause that'll afford you a FnP.

If you want them to survive, cling to cover. Hug it like a clingy lover, stick to it like molasses, and other 20's noir quotes. Because that 4+ cover save is what'll save you with FAR more certainty than their buffed wychsuit. And NEVER forget that you can move through cover, since you're a jumper.

Now i've run these in two matches. In the first one i ran Baron Sathonyx, and the cover save out in the open really helped. And oboy, will you need it. Bolters, shuriken rifles, lasrifles,pulserifles. All will kill you easily.

But, i hear you say, what are they good at? assaulting?

Meh? They're good at hounding wounded units, with eight you get 16   4+poisoned shots that will allow you to charge realiably, do not, i repeat, do not charge unwounded troops, as overwatch will shred you.

We'll se what the new codex brings. But without the Baron, i can't see me running them, even with a price drop.

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