söndag 20 juli 2014

Commin' up commin' up

So, seome weather we're having huh? It 's just raining codexes and the sun is shining. I m'self am waiting to face up against my friend who just picked up the hobby again after the Long awaited Orc 'dex drop, having gotten in on the ground floor i can't really imagine having to wait up to a decade for a new 'dex drop(and playing the noble Astartes there are good odds that i never will have to, at that) so i'm just glad that i'm going to be shooting at some green skinned Xenos as opposed to some alabaster skinned or blue skinned. Face the imperial truth or go home heretics.

Point in fact, this is most probably what i will be working on next.

As i've mentioned before i got into GK as a cheap way to dip my toes in the game as such, and with that in mind, i was kind of reluctant to shell out the full amount for a bunch of figures i might not end up using after a few trial and error matches. So i wound up doing a lot of " counts as", ie pointing and saying , "now this looks like a Warhammer fantasy Vampire count, but it is in fact a ordos hereticus inquisitor with a conversion beamer and...." 

My crew were incredibly accommodating with this arrangement, but it got confusing, and it was a lot of hassle. So i started hitting up my (by this point already) pretty substantial Bitz pile, and my friends, and from it i built this lil' thing.

The head is a GK terminator Apothecarion, and the iron halo is from a servo skull attachment that comes on the GK sprues. the staff is a modified "force staff" that i added extra purity seals to and a polished Fantasy skull from the Vampire counts Skull bitz. The legs, and torso is from a standard GK Strike squad box, and the arms and shoulder pads are from the Dark angels veterans bits. The servo arm is a donation from one of my friends (in pure ecstasy of me actually getting my thumb out and getting a model that is somewhat distinguishable as a Techie). The thing you see in the right hand is going to become a Orbital strike co-ordinator. To get some delicious, delicious large blast templates on the board. It's simply a gutted down bolt pistol with a stock from the las pistol.

I'll probably paint this one the coming week. Or some terminators.

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