lördag 12 juli 2014

And so it begins.

I think i picked upp most of my current Grey knights stuff sometime in the beginning of 2011, i was looking to get into 40K as a hobby, and looking into it on-line, it seemed like getting Grey knigts as an army would be a unit count efficient (turns out that it wasn't) and fiscally sound way (nope) to get my toes in the water.

So after looking into the fluff, and reading up online i got kind of psyched. Psyched in the way that people who never had an attachment to the Daemon hunters codex can get psyched. An elite army of psychers who safeguards humanity? often against themselves? And does whatever needs to get the job done? Sign me up!

*ASIDE* i had not, as of yet, really understood what grimdark meant here, as evident of my statement above

So i got a quick 1000 points army together, looking something like below.

*a librarian in terminatour armour
*a brother captain
* a full strike squad with a rhino
* a Psyfle dread (a dreadnought with 2 TL autocannons with Psybolts, which give a +1 in S)
* a terminatour squad

Now, looking at this list, i mentally cringe, i remember playing this match, it was against an eldar friend of mine, with a forested canopy and mysterious objectives. Highlights include.

* half the Terminatours dying due to scattering into an iron wall
* the librarian "joining" the Strike squad, but me not knowing that , even if there are empty spots, terminatours armour can't jump into a rhino. So he had to "run" behind the rhino.
* a "mysterious objective" blowing up two turns in a row, killing two Grey knights, and making them flee due to wittling down by fire dragons.

My friends agree that they have NEVER, not even in ye olden days of second edition.Seen anyone take that hard of a beating.

And honestly? I don't think i've even heard of anyone losing that hard. But i did, and i learnt, and i moved on.And there was no way to go but up.

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