so another step of progress that i did this last week was get started on my first knight.
Now' i have never built nor owned a droppod, a knight nor D-strength weaponry before, and i never really inteded to do it, but 2017 is starting to look like the year of altered expectations.
*I've started a droppod terror assault list army
*I now own two Knights, one in bag ready ro be built, one half built and started on
The knights in question both have D-strength weaponry, so, there ya go. Now the thing is i've never really had the inclination to own a knigh because, well, they seem lightly boring to me? I mean, at least they did in the seventh incarnation of 40k . I never really caught up to the "bring a low" to low points games, my buddies brought riptides, wraithknights,gorkanauts and knights, but i never really got into it, i part maybe because i played Dark eldar mostly, or deamons, and my armys fluff was never centered on allying with craftworlders, nor getting corrupted knights nor greater deamons.
But as my Mechanicum army is growing in prowess and power, it makes sense that they would have indentured knights in their servitude. Now, mechanically 30k knights are fairly similar to their 40k versions, the difference is in the fleshing out of their purpose, reason for fighting and how to compile a knight list, and therein lies the lure for me. This is what makes me want to have a knight, or even a small knighthouse (two knights are a fully legal knight house list). The backstory for my mechanicum is that they are basically put on a leash by my alpha legion, after being conquered in a harrowing campaign that see them defeated and their technocratic leaders put to the sword, they get used as a commodity of war and are expended as bloodcoins for which my alpha legion will pay the butchers bill. And as such, all their holdings and satrapies would fall to the 108'th as well.
However, not even the Alpha legions 108'th expeditionary fleet would call on such forces ligthtly, but in the face of their extensive losses in the wake of the Hagvarian campaign, which, while seeing ultimate victory fall to the warmaster, would see little material gains for the 108'th. And little possibility of rearming and recouping the extensive loss of armored vehicles, the 108'th saw ample opportunity to call on another of the indentured mechanicums holdings. The knight house sworn to the laputan technocracys demesne. The knight house of "Lagado" sworn to the service of their mechanicum overlords in "exchange" for the rejuvenat techniques needed to keep them in ruling place. And such it was, that when the 108'th marched to heed the warmaster clarion call to scandus, the knight house of Lagado followed.
The Scandus narrative tournament is more or less the biggest tournament in Sweden each year, it is a 3500 pts list game with four games over two days, with a raffle where you can win a full knight house! All you need to do, is go to this page, donate money to fight a horrendous disease that gets little real life funding, and at the same time have a chance to win a knight house, or A WARHOUND TITAN
The event is hosted by the magnificent Verangian heresy, and as an extra tidbit there is the "knight joust" every year, wherein everone can participate by bringing ANY LoW for up to 500 pts, you then get a card with your loyalty on, (only you can know it) and there is a magnificent free for all wherein you fight until one side can declare victory!
furthermore, the Scandus tournament is more or less wher people have a chance to cut loose, and bring "bad ass list" Ie, why not a mastodon? or Three knights? it's a chance to bring that killer list, with the knowledge that others will as well. The words casual warhound is thrown around.
The point is not to bring a dickkicker list just to win, as it is still a narrative event for the system, and you can play ZM to bring your side reinforcements, bombarments, or material gains, and the lists and players are really nice and the cheese is pretty limited. As far as i can see from the lists from last year, and everyone thus far in the talks up to the tournament.
Anyway so how far have i come?
Well I started last week with pre-assembly:
having never built a knight i figured it would be a really hard assembly, but i was surprised at the ease of building, and keeping Carapace parts on the sprue for easier painting.
about three hours of work |
First i hit the chassis, and arms, with a layer of Vallejo black primer properly thinned, followed by a layer of Vallejo acryllic metals "gun" followed by vallejo acryllic metall "aluminium" then i hit with a zentih (50 degreees from overhead) with vallejo color air silver.
Auluminium |
After this started the three hour process, now, be warned, the tamiya stuff will eat the rubber sealant for some airbrushes, particularly if it is already a bit used. And that may cause it to dry in the airbrush, if so, empty it, use aceton (or a better clearner) and take a break. Actually, taking a break is the best advice i can give, as you need to spray clear red on all parts, take a break for 20-30 min as it dries,otherwise it will "congeal" and the halfdried layer will move, like jello being forced away. Or just pool. And that is an ASS to fix.
Before i did the red however, i traced some shadows with calth blue, to simulate shading ,a technique outlined in the book, which i highly reccommend, it gives acool effect but at first you will probably think "dahell have i done?"
Now be warned, the first two- three layers will look pale, and splotchy, but around four and upwards you will see it start to take shape.
layer five or six i forgot. |
Now as always with Tamiya VENTILATE. That paint will aerosol faster than any other colour i have worked with, and it will start to stick to the room.
Now, for me personally, i cut the parts of armor from the sprue except for one connector, that i let remain, so that i have a minimum of "naked grey" parts wher i cut it loose, and it makes it easier to paint for me personally.
last layers in place |
As for the base,i measured wher the knight will stand, and glued cork to the base, then i spread out martian ironeart over about 70% and left "naked" patches for martianironcrust. It will get better, but right now it looks like this.
the tamiya effect is really cool so far, but it tends to gloss a bit on potatocam. I will keep posting WIP and the follow up when i get closer to scandus.